Could arts help people living with dementia to improve their memories and cognitive abilities? And how to support professional and family carers, art therapists and educators to enrich their reminiscence sessions with creative approaches?

These are the topics we focus on with our project “Forget Me Not: Creative Reminiscence” (2024-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000244635). The partners are: Reminiscencni centrum, z. s., from Czech Republic, Creativity and Educational Studio “ARTIED” from Bulgaria, edEUcation SAS from France and VINCORE SCCL from Spain.

The project’s general objective is to improve inclusion and quality of life of people living with dementia by equipping VET providers, health and social care professionals and informal family carers with new competences and tools to enrich reminiscence therapy approach with art appreciation, craft, music and theatrical activities.

During the project we will:

1. Create an Educator’s Manual and develop a Training Programme with practical tools and activities for creative reminiscence sessions for engaging people living with dementia. Each partner will share its experience with one creative practice, as follows: theatrical activities (Reminiscencni centrum), art appreciation and music (ARTIED), craft activities and reminiscence spaces (VINCORE) and digital memory boxes (edEUcation). The Educator’s Manual will contain 6 practical card sets each combining 2 practices and lesson and sessions plans to guide educators and VET teachers into how to put into practice the proposed creative reminiscence approach.

2. Organise local workshops to co-create model exercises, following the FMN:CR approach, thus shaping the Training programme.

3. Curate a Library of practical video resources on FMN:CR Approach. The videos will be recorded during creative reminiscence sessions organized in each partner country, with direct involvement of people living with dementia and their carers.

4. Organise a series of online outreach workshops and local multiplier events in all partner countries to widely promote the FMN:CR approach and the developed project results into each partner country.

5. Present the FMN:CR approach and the project outputs and outcomes to the European Reminiscence Network biennial conference, hosted in Prague in late 2025.

6. Develop and publish Recommendations on how to be dementia inclusive and how to organise dementia-friendly Creative Reminiscence activities and dedicated spaces.

7. Enrich the existing Forget-me-not platform and Community of practice with the Forget Me Not: Creative Reminiscence approach.

For more information, please check our Facebook profile and the project website at or Facebook profile at

The project “Forget Me Not: Creative Reminiscence” (2024-1-CZ01-KA220-VET-000244635) is co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the EU, through the Czech National Agency.


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