How to use the power of art for boosting creativity and engagement in online settings?

How could artistic activities make online training sessions and work meetings more engaging and exiting? And how could help us to decrease the so called “screen fatigue” and stress and to strengthen the team spirit?

As part of the project “T4T – Tools4Teaching in Digital Education Settings” (2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000033654), we developed Guidelines on how to better set up effective group dynamics in online learning environment, which are available on its website on:

Within the moduleBoosting online teaching creativity and learners’ engagement through artistic activities, you could find:

  • Helpful information about what online creativity is and which its basic principles are.
  • Helpful tips and examples on how to keep online learners or meeting participants engaged through creative virtual activities.
  • Easy examples of online creative boosts, which you could directly apply into practice.
  • Some ideas and insights on how to develop and nurture your own creativity in online environment.
  • What collaborative online artistic activities are and how to directly apply them into you virtual or hybrid classrooms or work meetings.

But also – a variety of practical exercises and activities using drawing, music, impro theatrical techniques, dance and applied arts that can help you bring ‘fresh air’ into your digital routine.

The link to the Module is available here.

If you like to enrich your knowledge on the topic, you could also follow our webinars:

You could also have a look at the energising exercises based on creative and artistic activities, which we developed and presented in the 1st webinar. You could find them here.

The projects “T4T – Tools4Teaching in Digital Education Settings” (2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000033654) and “COPE – Enabling Adult Educators to Cope with Aggressive Behaviour of Disadvantaged Learners” (2022-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000088918) are funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the EU, through the Spanish National Agency.


These projects have been co-funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.