How to encourage elder adult educators and seniors themselves to be creative? How to involve them in artistic and creative recycling and upcycling experiences and in life-long learning? And how to equip them with necessary knowledge and skills to become senior entrepreneurs?

How to encourage elder adult educators and seniors themselves to be creative? How to involve them in artistic and creative recycling and upcycling experiences and in life-long learning? And how to equip them with necessary knowledge and skills to become senior entrepreneurs?

These are the topics we focus on with our new project “Creative Seniors – Be Active, Be Artist, Inspire Others” (2023-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000155789). The partners are: VSI EDUKACINIAI PROJEKTAI (EDUPRO) from Lithuania, Creativity and Educational Studio “ARTIED” from...
How to support specialists and educators in the field of psychological intervention to develop their professional competences and skills for facilitation and crisis management in cases of emergency situations?

How to support specialists and educators in the field of psychological intervention to develop their professional competences and skills for facilitation and crisis management in cases of emergency situations?

This is in the focus of the project “Early Psychological Intervention” (2020-1-PL-KA202-082075), funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the EU. The main target groups include psychologists, psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, who are interested in developing their...